Projects in Development

Shooting Location:
Alsace, France
If you are interested in learning more about the investment opportunity, please contact Jane at jclark@filmmcqueen.com
beneath the surface
Director: Jane Clark
Written By: Paul Fox
Producers: Jane Clark, Nicolas Ribolzi, Gautier Cazenave
Production Company: FilmMcQueen Productions, Asterism Production, Marteau Films Production
Genre: Psychological Horror Thriller
Cast so far:
Lead: Paul Fox
Script out to:
Supporting: Emily Atack
13 year-old Ben Truman watched helplessly as his twin brother drowned - an accident his father blamed him for. Now, twenty years later, Ben returns to the family cabin to scatter the ashes of his estranged father on that same lake. Accompanied by his boyfriend, Noah, he arrives at the cabin determined to put his past behind him and begin a new chapter in their lives together.
On a beautiful starry night, just as Ben is about to propose marriage, Noah receives an urgent call. His mother’s dementia has deepened quite suddenly and he is needed back home. Noah is forced to leave Ben to face his memories alone.
At the end of a jetty, Ben watches his father’s ashes drift out on the lake. He then listens to a message left by his father the night he died. As hateful words spew out, Ben tries to cut the message short but accidentally drops the phone in the lake. Lunging to catch it , he falls in. He retrieves the phone, but it won’t turn on. As he trudges home, dejected and cut off from the outside world, the forest begins to feel foreboding.
As hours slip away, with no contact to the outside world, time and place lose definition, the cabin grows sinister and Ben’s increasingly fractured reality conjures the manifestation of his guilt - his dead brother - who comes out of the dark with revenge in his water-logged heart.